Translational Research Centre

Bridging Clinical Care + Life Saving Health Research



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Translational Research Centre

The Translational Research Centre (TRC) promotes knowledge and scientific development by improving communication between the clinic and laboratory. The TRC mandate includes supporting researchers with their studies by providing bioethics support and assisting in the procurement of patient tissue specimens with correlative clinical data. The TRC is primarily funded by the Children’s Health Foundation and the Lawson Health Research Institute.


The TRC is a critical resource supporting investigations on the biological basis of disease.

Coordinating laboratory studies with clinical medicine improves dialogue between researchers and clinicians to increase potential for therapeutic regimen development, expanded treatment options, and ultimately, remedies for disease.

- Dr. Douglas Fraser, TRC Director

Our Services


Bench-to-Bedside Research Opportunities

Facilitate access to high quality tissue samples

Dedicated Equipment and Research Personnel

Specialized equipment and trained research nurses and technicians, as well as on-going support from CHRI scientists

Biohazard laboratory

Level 2 containment laboratory within Children’s Health Research Institute.

Secure SAMPLE Storage

Standardized acquisition, Hardwired, kept at (-) 80 degrees, with 24 hour alarmed security.

Password protected Web Access and Back-up

Password protected web access to clinical information databases for linkage

Click to see sample Database pages

Flexible service packages

Individualized packages particular to your research needs. All packages include bioethics application support.

Bioethics support

Full support of bioethics application submission

Strategic links with other research centres

VIibrant base of interconnected core research facilities in London for genomic and protein analysis.

High Quality Tissue Samples

Standardized acquisition, categorization and processing procedures of tissue samples.

Applications are now being accepted for child health research projects.


For quality assurance and effective use of support, applications will be reviewed by the Translational Research Centre Operations Committee. For more information click here:


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519.685.8500 x55728
FAX: 519.685.8186